My name is Pája Svobodová. I joined a missionary project in SE Asia.
Spiritual and humanitarian help is the goal of this project.
I am looking for people who would partner with me on this journey to be the propelling force of this mission.
I offer those who partner with me a personal connection with me and this work that I do, information about both joys and sorrows of this journey. About 26 million people live in the destination country, which I cannot name for security reasons, who have not been reached with the Good News, that the Son of God Jesus Christ paid for the sins of every human. If you want to know more, please contact me personally.
This is a 6 months long program with a certain unnamed organisation. I am looking for a next 2-3 year work in the team here.
When: 25. August 2021 – 28. February 2022

Main activities in the program:
Building relationships with locals – walking to meet people not only in distant highland villages (a few days walk), listening to their needs, practical help and sharing the Good News
Helping the missionary team – at the team’s base in the city, on a big farm that keeps the base sustainable and provides jobs for local unemployed people
Studying the language and culture – essential for connecting to people and understanding them, as well as being sensitive + it is possible that I’ll have to apply for a study/working visa in the future
How can you support me?
Become a PRAYER investor
First of all I need your prayer support, I need your friendship and human support and support from the fellowship of my home church (my spiritual family ). Mission is not a matter of one individual person , but the whole fellowship and the whole church. Every member of the church (the body of Christ) has a unique role and task, each one a bit different.
Prayer points:
- Thanksgiving for the safe journey I had
- Entering new culture and building unity in team
- That God prepares hearts to hear His message
- That I can follow God’s lead every step I take
Become a FINANCIAL donor
Do you want to engage with this mission and be a part of it? Please consider making a monthly donation (stability, sustainability), or a once-off donation of any amount.
b) Execute International bank transfer (details below, through the account of OM CR)
Account Name:
Fio banka, a.s.
Ceske Budejovice
Summit Paja
Each man should give as he has decided in his heart. He should not give, wishing he could keep it. Or he should not give if he feels he has to give. God loves a man who gives because he wants to give. (2. Cor 9:7)
Please donate only if you really want to support a Christian mission and strengthen the winds into the sails of God’s Kingdom.
Want to receive newsletters?
About the process, photos, experiences …
E-mail address will be kept only for the purpose of sending these reports. In each report you will have the option to unsubscribe from the list.
What does it cost?
The total estimated cost is ca 161 000 Kč (ca. 7 145 USD). None of the money goes to my personal needs or salary.
The chart below is updated ca. every 14 days. If you want to donate for a specific purpose, please add the “keyword” from the brackets at the end of the item to the payment note. Donation with no specification will be distributed as needed.
updated on the Mar 13 2022
Why missions?
„Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations…“ says Jesus in the gospel of Matthew 28:19
- The above verse is what Jesus says to every Christian – if we want to be obedient to His words, we need to participate in this “Great Comission” in some way. There’s many ways: GOING to nations, PRAYING for missions, GIVING your support…
- What is the mission? Mission is sending (from Latin missio ). A Christian missionary is someone who is sent by a church to go among people and share God’s love. Such love can be demonstrated by practical humanitarian help, true interest in people, medical help or, for example, when you change oil in somebody’s car for free. Speaking with people and telling the story of God’s reconciliation is the basis.
- Mission can mean a life in a foreign culture, but every single Christian is a missionary even when they live in their mother country.
- Mission is an investment in God’s Kingdom .
(If you don’t know what that is, you can google these verses: Mt 13: 44-46, John 3: 3, Mt 6:33, Psalm 145: 13, Mt 4:17.)
For the free gift of eternal salvation is now being offered to everyone. (Titus 2:11)
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)
About me

Pája Svobodová
I want to spend my energy on working fully for God’s kingdom and not just using the remnants of my energy after the whole day in the office.
- Origin: Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic
- Home church: Církev bratrská (CB, Church of Brethren) in Česká Třebová,
- Mission experiences abroad: MDT South Africa (Mission Discipleship Training, 6 months)
- Former occupation: marketing
- Education: Bachelor’s degree in Program “English in Electrical Engineering and IT” at Brno University of Technology
People Say:
Pája has the quiet patience of an angel. She is perfect for a mission like this because she listens intently and shows her love through dedicated attention in conversations. In addition, Pája has the gifts of music and laughter: which are the universal uniters of the human race. I am certain she will, with God’s grace, enter into people’s lives and offer an example of God’s love that they will find a desire to pursue. (P.R. Frank, American Missionary to Czech Republic and friend of 11 years)
I wouldn’t worry about taking Pavla to Mount Everest. Pavla is a person good to be around even in difficult situations. Easy-going, reliable, skillful, humble and she loves people and God. To support her is a safe bet for me and my wife. (Petr Kadlec, Elder of the Church in Česká Třebová, a Lector of Healthy Youth Programme, YouTuber and influencer)
I have known Pavla for some years now and I don’t know anyone so kind-hearted and ready to help. She has decided to leave the comfort and safety in CZR to help people who are far from such comfort. That’s why I would like to support her by these words so her mission can become real. (Alžbeta Bukatovičová; friend and flatmate from Brno)
Pavlínka is a young girl, perceptive, smart, good at shooting, driving, organising. She is a bit like a boy in this. She has a great courage and inner power. I am several tens of years older than her, but I probably wouldn’t have the courage and determination to make the decision she has. That’s what I admire about her. She has worked independently and she was also something like an assistant to me. When she told me she wanted to leave the job and what for, I was sorry, but I knew trying to persuade her to stay was pointless. She is determined. I will gladly support her by a small amount and I beleive that she will honourably fulfill her mission to do good and help others. (Aleš Ingr, business director of the company TRON, former boss of Pavla)
We watch with wonder how our Pavla has put together her skills, character and desires into this decision. We support her with a slight worry but with confidence in God. (parents of Pavla)
I’ve known Pája for more than 4 years. I appreciate her honesty and openness when seeking God’s guidance in her life, willingness to be formed and to submit to the principles of Christ’s kingdom even at times, when it means loss and pain. With fear I watch her courage to step out of comfort zone and set off on an unexplored journey. I know that Pavla has already been outside the comfort zone, which she has not only withstood, but she has also grown in knowing herself, Jesus and discovered the secret of walking with Him. I believe that with God’s help she will prove good on this journey and be a blessing. She has my support. (Dana Staňková, pastor’s wife engaged in pastoral counseling, CB Česká Třebová)